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  • 请用' in front of"造句

    There is a blackboard in the front of the classroom.

  • in front of造句

    1.More than ten minutes to open the car, waved in front of a boy.车子开了十几分钟,一个男孩在前面招手。2.It's there,right in front of you!在那儿,就在你前面!3.There's a bus stop in front of the house.房子前面有一个公共汽车站。4.They took a photo in front of t...

  • 以on,in,under,inside,beside,near,in front of,behind,middle,east...

    There is a tree in front of the house.房屋的前面有一棵树。Who is behind me?谁在我后面?The middle office is his.他的办公室在中间。Where is east?哪里是东边呢?There is a west wind blowing.西风正在吹。What is the meaning of south?南方的意思是什么?The window faces north....

  • in front of造句

    in the sofa in front of the TV.他伸开手脚坐在电视机前的沙发上。2.The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.我前面那辆小汽车突然停住,我只好刹车。3.The speaker had a sheaf of notes on the desk in front of him.演讲者在他面前的桌子上放着一叠笔记。4.If...

  • in front of...造句

    In front of the Garden Hotel.花园旅店前面。Over there, in front of you.在那儿,就在你面前。He nipped in just in front of me.他就在我前面插进来。She is in front of me.她在我前面。They reined in in front of the post office.他们在邮局前面勒住马。Johnny is in front of me...

  • in front of造句

    in front of造句 He was sprawling in the sofa in front of the TV.他伸开手脚坐在电视机前的沙发上。The car in front of me stopped suddenly and I had to brake.我前面那辆小汽车突然停住,我只好刹车。The speaker had a sheaf of notes on the desk in front of him.演讲者在他面前...

  • In front of.怎么造句

    in front of 意思是 :在面前 造句可以试试这样:May I pass in front of you?我可以从你前面过吗?

  • in front of和before的区别

    1、位置关系的不同 "in front of"表示一个物体或人位于另一个物体或人的前面,在空间上存在一个明确的前后关系。它强调一个物体或人在另一个物体或人的前方位置。而"before"表示在时间上先于或早于某个事件或行动发生,在时间上存在一个先后顺序。例句:The car is parked in front of the ...

  • in front of 造句

    1. Ask your guide to clap when you are standing in front of the North staircase, if done from the proper spot you will hear the call of what is thought to be the Quetzal bird.问问你的指导鼓掌当你站在北楼梯,如果做了适当的位置将听取您的要求是什么被认为是格查尔鸟。2. ...

  • in front of 和 behind和above和at the top和at the bottom,造句5...

    1. He is playing basketball in front of the building.2. There is a tree behind the house.3.He lifted his hands above his head...他将双手举过头顶。4.In the end we arrived at the even ground at the top of the mountain.最后我们登上了山顶上的平地。5.He is always at the...